158 currencies + bitcoin + precious metals
All units : Currency, Weight, Time, Length, Area, Volume, Speed, Force, Pressure, Temperature, Power, Data, Density, Angle, Numeral System, Energy, UI Size, Written Money, Fuel Mileage, Mol Concentration, Mass Concentration, Mass Fraction.
Function & Advantage :
1 . No advertising ;
2 . It has the function of "convenient copy" and "convenient paste"
3 . UI Size unit converter, help software designers and developers to know the size of each element in drawing and device screen
4 . There are "add, subtract, multiply, divide" in the app
5 . We have a new form of interaction, and we are committed to providing users with the most efficient unit conversion experience
6 . We have a flat and efficient design style, we remove all redundant elements that can be removed